

Hair transplantation operation is a non-surgical procedure in which hair follicles are transplanted from the donor area, that is, behind the scalp, to the recipient area, that is, to the bald areas to be treated.

1850 £
(2150 €)
  • Free Hair Analysis and Consultation
  • FUE Sapphire Hair Transplant Method
  • Unique Cutting Edge Innovations
  • Pain Free Treatment
  • 100% Result Guarantee
  • Up to 5.000 Grafts
  • Multilingual Medical Advisors
  • Post Operative check-up and Washing
  • Pre Operative Health Checks
  • VIP Transport
  • 5 nights accommodation
  • All aftercare Product
  • Consultation & Treatment Planning

Techniques Used In Hair Transplant

There are several basic techniques used in hair transplantation:

FUE Technology

With this technology, the roots taken from the donor area by means of Micro Motor are transferred to the recipient area by opening thin channels in the balding areas with sensitive medical forceps. The operation takes about 6-8 hours and up to 4000 roots are planted.


Mega FUE Technology

Mega FUE is done in two sessions for two days in a row, a maximum of 8000 roots are transplanted and more density is given to the hair.

Ultimate FUE

Ultimate FUE differs from FUE in that it is a medical scalpel made of fine blue sapphire, which prevents damage to the scalp during the collection process.

DHI Technology

The doctor opens channels in areas of baldness that need to be treated with Choi Pen Implants. It then implants up to 3500 of the extracted follicles. The Doctor does all this at the same time with one click. The whole process takes about 6-8 hours.


Mega DHI Technology

The Mega DHI technique is performed in two sessions for two consecutive days using Choi pens. However, with Mega DHI, a maximum of 7000 roots are transplanted, giving the hair more density and attractiveness.

Extreme DHI Technology

Extreme DHI Technology goes through the same stages as DHI technique. However, it allows the doctor to transplant up to 5000 follicles in 12-15 hours in just one session.


Hair Transplant Candidates

Candidates For Hair Transplantation Are:

  • People suffering from severe hair loss and hereditary baldness.
  • Persons with sufficient donor area.
  • People in good health who do not have certain diseases that may prevent hair transplantation.
  • People over 22 years old.


Tips Before Hair Transplant

There are some important tips to follow before starting the hair transplant process:

  • Avoid smoking at least two weeks before the procedure, as it affects the growth of follicles and the results of the procedure.
  • Avoid drinking green tea, as it is a blood thinner that causes severe bleeding during and after surgery and directly leads to failure of sowing.
  • Generally avoid coffee and stimulants at least four days before planting as they are stimulants that affect the anesthesia process.
  • In order to avoid complications that may occur during or after the operation, it is recommended to have a healthy and balanced diet before the operation.
  • Stop taking medications that cause blood thinning, such as aspirin and ibuprofen combinations.
  • If you are taking certain medications for a certain disease, such as hypertension, diabetes or other diseases, your healthcare professional who monitors your health needs to know these and approve the hair transplant procedure.

Tips After Hair Transplant

There are some tips to be followed after hair transplantation:

  • A hair band should be worn for 48 hours to prevent the head from swelling.
  • Avoid bending your head as much as possible. Keep a parallel line between your chin and the floor for three days to prevent swelling in the forehead and around the eyes.
  • Never wash your hair before 72 hours after the procedure is over.
  • You should sleep in a semi-vertical position to lift your head up against two pillows for five days to avoid swelling.
  • Avoid swimming in the sea for three months and swimming in the pool for two months.
  • You should stay away from sunlight, heat and high humidity for at least one month and wear a medical hat when going out.
  • When putting on or taking off your clothes, be careful not to press directly on the scalp..
  • Avoid smoking for at least two months after the operation as this inhibits the growth of the follicles, causing them to fall out.
  • Use medical shampoo while washing your hair, do not rely on chemical shampoos.
  • Avoid Turkish bath or sauna for a month.
  • Continue to take the necessary treatments and medications recommended by your doctor, which help the wounds heal quickly and increase the growth of hair follicles.
  • Avoid standing under direct rain or dust to avoid damaging the implanted follicles.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse for a week.
  • It is recommended to do cold laser sessions that stimulate blood circulation and thus strengthen the transplanted roots.
  • It is also preferable to take some vitamins that help increase the growth of follicles.


Hair Transplant Stages

The hair transplant process goes through several stages:

First Stage: The density of the donor area, the area to be transplanted and the number of follicles to be taken are determined. The front line is drawn.

Second Stage: Necessary tests and controls, namely blood tests and some dermatology examinations, are performed on the patient.

Third Stage: At this stage, if hair transplantation will be performed with the FUE technique, the entire hair is shaved. On the other hand, if the DHI or Robot technique is to be used, the roots can be removed by shaving only the donor area. The patient is then anesthetized with local anesthesia.

Fourth Stage: At this stage, the doctor takes the roots from the donor area by means of a micro motor and they are placed in saline called Hypothermosol to keep the roots alive as long as possible.

Fifth Stage: This is the stage of hair transplantation. If the FUE technique is used, the channels are opened. Then the extracted roots are transferred to these canals using medical forceps. If the DHI technique is used, the roots are placed in the Choi pens and the channels are opened with one click, and the roots are planted at the same time.


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